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UtahSportsmen.com • View topic - Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

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Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by DallanC » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:16 pm

Bought my first pontoon not long ago. I havent really needed one before, but they had a big sale on them at Cabelas so for under $200 we picked one up for fishing smaller lakes.

Gotta say, for a lower end pontoon, it really is built well. Its light weight but still well constructed. I thought my butt was going to get wet in it a few times as it sits low in the water (its only 8ft), but even in moderate waves I stayed dry. Its light enough (45lbs) you could pack it into some remote areas.

Definitely I'd recommend a more expensive, feature packed one for people that us them more often, but for the ocassional use, I'm mighty pleased with this model.

http://creekcompany.com/product.php?pro ... 254&page=1
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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by Dunkem » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:50 pm

Could you put a electric trolling motor on it? Nice looking toon. Are they easier than a float tube?
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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by DallanC » Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:12 pm

You could rig a mount on the frame behind the seat fairly easy. I have an old electric motor, but dont know if I'll do it or not, I used it on fairly small lakes where I was never more than 600 yards from the truck.Their next model up has the mount but its alot more expensive.

As for use, it seemed really easy to use and move around in with the oars, even in wind I didnt have a problem nor did my boy who actually used it more than me. I need to get a small foldable anchor for it for stationary fishing.

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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by Dunkem » Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:36 pm

Anchor is a great idea.
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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by Renegade » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:24 pm

Motors are AWESOME! Specially in breezes or wind. Bad thing is, once you start using one, you may REALLY like it :D
The boat you bought however was designed for rivers and not for a motor. The huge rockers leave very little pontoon in the water. Meaning smaller weight capacity, and you will need to slide the frame as far as you can forward to put a battery and a motor on. Otherwise, you will be very butt heavy and tracking is not as good.
Note, If you do use an electric motor, take the bolt out of the head and turn the head so that it is facing the same direction as the prop. Pontoons PULL much better than push. Steer with your feet/fins

You got a fair boat, but watch the frame for cracks. The nylon cover is not as durable as the PVC coated ones. Do NOT transport it full of air. When you get to location, put the boat IN tthe water while you get ready, then top it off with air.

I use hip waders on my Pontoons. So much nicer and easier. I have two framed pontoons, one U pontoon, onr two man closed end pontoon and one smaller 8' closed end pontoon.
Nice thing about my frameless is the two man weighs about 35 lbs. 8-)
I started out many years ago with a car tire, then a donut, then the U tubes, then the V tubes and I even put a motor on all those :lol: Now I am pontoon city...LOL
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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by DallanC » Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:09 pm

Yep, if you want to use a motor I would recommend a larger pontoon. My useage is going to be very light. If we start using it alot more frequently, I will probably move up to a larger, better built toon. I agree with nylon vs pvc for the outer coating being more durable, we are overly cautious with it near rocks and sharp things. Its light enough to carry on your shoulder so I just carry it around out of the water.

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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by Renegade » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:17 am

Adsolutely. However, my 8'er weighs 23 lbs and has handles....LOL Just kidding. Understand we all have to start somewhere. I have been there ;) How else you going to know what you want if you don't try them all.
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Re: Creek Company Sport LT pontoon

by Winters » Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:29 am

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