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Looking for images to make rotating header banners from

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:04 pm
by Administrator
The top logo banner background rotates through a set list of images randomly.It would be great to add more images. Due to the extreme width with respect to the height, panarama type pictures work best. These are easy to take individually and "stitch" into a single image.

If anyone wants to help by donating some images, its quite easy. Take a picture at something off in the distance, move the camera slightly (15 degrees or so), take another picture, repeat until you have a sequence. You can stitch them with Microsofts free tool ( ... s/ivm/ice/) or email them and I can do it.

Other pictures might be usable, if you have something you feel is interesting and would like to see it imortalized let me know

Full credit will be given to the authors of course.